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What is ultrasound?

Ultrasound , also known as Sonography, is a method of medical imaging that uses sound waves to image the soft tissues inside the body. Sound waves pass through the body and according to their frequency, the signals are converted into images on the computer. Ultrasound can also be used for tissue or fluid sampling.

?How do I prepare for an ultrasound

Depending on your medical history, your doctor may prescribe special preparations in addition to the routine preparations.

Abdominal ultrasound:
·       Morning appointment:

Avoid eating and drinking from midnight before until the time of your turn. The patient can take his pills and medicines with a small amount of water.

·       Evening appointment:

Before 9 am, eat breakfast including clear liquids (without milk). Do not eat anything after breakfast
You can take pills and prescription drugs with a small amount of water.

Biophysical ultrasound:

About an hour before the appointment time, eat a meal preferably containing carbohydrates.

* Patients who have a pregnancy ultrasound at the same time as a biophysical ultrasound should also make the following preparations comply

Pregnancy ultrasound (Obstetric Ultrasound):

If your pregnancy is less than 11 weeks, drink one liter of water about an hour before the appointment and avoid urinating until after the ultrasound. But if you are more than 11 weeks pregnant, ultrasound should be done with an empty bladder.

Bladder, liver and pancreas ultrasound:
·       Morning appointment:

Avoid eating and drinking from midnight before until the time of your turn. The patient can take his pills and medicines with a small amount of water.

·       Evening appintment:

Before 9 am, eat breakfast including clear liquids (without milk). Do not eat anything after breakfast
You can take pills and prescription drugs with a small amount of water.

Pelvic ultrasound:

Drink a liter of water about an hour before your appointment. Avoid urinating until after the ultrasound.

Prostate ultrasound:

Drink a liter of water about an hour before your appointment. Avoid urinating until after the ultrasound.

Kidney and bladder ultrasound:

Drink a liter of water about an hour before your appointment. Avoid urinating until after the ultrasound.

Color Doppler ultrasound of the urinary tract (Port):
·       Morning appointment:

Avoid eating and drinking from midnight before until the time of your turn. The patient can take his pills and medicines with a small amount of water.

·       Evening appointment:

Before 9 am, eat breakfast including clear liquids (without milk). Do not eat anything after breakfast
You can take pills and prescription drugs with a small amount of water.

Color Doppler ultrasound of kidney:

One hour before performing this ultrasound, the patient should take 8 dimethicone tablets, two every 15 minutes.

NT ultrasound (fetal screening):

This ultrasound is performed only between 11 and 13 weeks of pregnancy and for singleton fetuses.

Breast ultrasound:

You need to bring your previous medical records (including previous ultrasounds, previous mammograms and other related tests). If you are over 40 years old, this ultrasound must be done along with mammography.

Hysterosonography (sonography in water):

This type of ultrasound should be performed on the seventh to twelfth days of menstruation (if there is no bleeding) and with an empty bladder
be done. Also, this ultrasound will necessarily be performed together with transvaginal ultrasound.

Ultrasounds that do not require special preparation:

  • Thyroid and neck ultrasound
  • Kidney ultrasound
  • Transvaginal ultrasound
  • Ultrasound of the testicles
  • Ultrasound of neck arteries
  • Ultrasound of soft masses
  • Detailed ultrasound
  • Color Doppler ultrasound of any abdominal organ
  • Chest ultrasound
  • Men’s breast ultrasound
  • Color Doppler ultrasonography of the upper or lower venous and arterial bilaterally
  • Color Doppler ultrasound of the transplanted kidney

?What happens during an ultrasound

  1. You are asked to remove any clothing or jewelry that may interfere with the ultrasound. If you are asked to change your clothes, you will be provided with disposable clothes.
  2. You will lie on your back, side, or stomach (depending on the type of ultrasound you are having) on the ultrasound bed.
  3. The part of your body that will be examined is smeared with special ultrasound gel and your ultrasound will be started by the doctor.

?What should I do after the ultrasound

Generally, special measures are not required after the ultrasound, but your doctor may also prescribe some additional measures for you according to the medical records and the patient’s condition.

Dr. Farhang Nouri
Dr. Farhang Nouri
Dr. Maryam Sefidbakht
Dr. Maryam Sefidbakht
Dr. Muhammed Farahmand
Dr. Muhammed Farahmand
Dr. Farzad Moradhaseli
Dr. Farzad Moradhaseli
Dr. Mehdi Ghaffari
Dr. Mehdi Ghaffari
Dr. Ghader Afshari
Dr. Ghader Afshari
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بابت مشکل پیش آمده عذر خواهی میکنم.